“Friends United Toward Urban Religious Education” (FUTURE)

“St. Mary’s knows children are the world’s most valuable resource and best hope for the FUTURE”

 St. Mary’s Friends United Toward Urban Religious Education (FUTURE) was incorporated in 1977 as a non-profit organization dedicated to providing extra support to St. Mary’s Parish in order to educate the children of the Parish in the Catholic Faith. The mission of FUTURE to support our children’s education at a Catholic school or through the Parish Religious Education program. Since FUTURE is a 501 (c) (3) organization, all funds given for membership or as a donation to the organization are fully tax deductible.

Membership and Donation Information

FUTURE membership is open to everyone and a lifetime membership requires a total donation of $500 that can be made over five years. Membership fees and donations are all tax deductible.

Donations are encouraged at any time and membership/donation envelopes are always available in the pews and at the Church entrances. Complete the information and drop the envelope in the collection basket, leave it in the Church office, or drop it in the mail.  You may also use the FUTURE link in the online donation WeShare secure portal on the Parish website. For more information, contact Mary Jo Schill, FUTURE President at maryjo.schill@gmail.com or 218-791-7582.


FUTURE Annual Meeting Minutes